
GibssStudio 2.0 Release

We are happy to announce the release of GibbsStudio 2.0. This new major version comes with new exciting features and improvements:

  • Parameter fitting has been one of the most requested capabilities by GibbsStudio users. To implement this feature the google Ceres Solver has been adopted as the core of the minimization analysis.
  • Text parameters. Now Parameters can store text and they can be used in math expressions. With this enhancement GibbsStudio can handle more types of parameters and use categories in the plots.
  • Change Filters to Views. We have generalized the Study storage to a standard SQL database and moved Filters to Views. Now the users have more flexibility on ordering and selecting data.
  • Plot layouts. Now it's possible to combine several 2D and 3D plots in the same layout.
  • Local selection on plots and bulk plot export. The plots can be exported by setting a local data selection in the plot settings.