Elevating Phreeqc to the next level

Geochemical tools in a unified productive environment.

GibbsStudio Runnning Phreeqc Example

Geochemistry in mind

GibbsStudio is a software for Windows and MacOS designed with a geochemist's needs in mind. It allows you to manage your water chemistry samples data and run Phreeqc simulations in a unified productive graphical interface (GUI) environment .

GibbsStudio is powered by several modules that provide different functionality like automatic parameter calibration, quantification of uncertainty, sensitivity analysis and predominance plots.

GibbsStudio dramatically reduces the time spent on pre- and post-processing and allows you to focus on geochemistry. Download Gibbsstudio and start saving time working on Phreeqc in MacOS or Windows. The installer comes with everything ready to work and it is not necessary to download Phreeqc or other tools separately.


Boost your Phreeqc modelling

GibbsStudio brings your Phreeqc models to another level. Watch the video and discover how it can improve your modelling process.
GibbsStudio Phreeqc Module Overview
Sample Data Analysis

Water Sample Management

Import your data easily

Import data from column based data or SQLite databases

Filter data, and then...filter again

Prepare your data before processing by filtering it. Easily automate your data workflow and save tons of time

Hydrochemistry ready

Piper, Wilcox, Schoeller... A wide range of hydrochemical analysis to find chemical patterns in your water samples
Hydrochemistry Data Analysis: Piper, Wilcox
Big data environment

Power at your fingertips

GibbsStudio is built on top of state of the art algorithms to create a high performance data management environment with dynamic plots available with the press of a button

Dynamic plots

Modern 2D and 3D interactive big data plots help you analyse your problems with less effort

Mathematical expressions

Plot mathematical expression using the outputs of your model

Automatic updates

Automatic updates of your plots after changing your source data


Mix all your data

Data from modelling and chemical sample analysis can be plot together in standard plots or in a classical hydrochemical plots. The choice is yours!

Easy export

Export plots, tables and graphics straight into your report

Ready for the web

Export your graphs to a suitable web format


Components in an ecosystem

GibbsStudio is a framework that consists of a data management core enriched with geochemical and mathematical modules.

Each GibbsStudio module adds distinct functionalities to the data management ecosystem: discover all available modules here

GibbsStudio Community is free and comes with the two key modules: Phreeqc, for Phreeqc simulations, and Akva, for hydrochemical analysis.

GibbsStudio Professional is available under licensing license and provides access to other modules: Predominance, Statistics, Database and Optimization.

GibbsStudio Modules Overview

Modules Description

Pieces of a whole ecosystem

Everything in GibbsStudio happens in a unified environment but different modules are in charge of distinct functionalities.
Akva Module Icon


Akva Hydrochemistry Overview

Akva module tools for chemical sample data import and hydrochemical analysis:

  • Chemical data sample import manager: Easily import your csv or tab separated sample data
  • Piper, Schoeller and Wilcox Plot: Hydrogeochemical interactive diagrams for your analysis
Phreeqc Module Icon


Phreeqc Module Overview

Geochemical Phreeqc tools that boost your modelling:

  • Phreeqc Lab: Thermodynamic Database Management, Selected Outputs, Phreeqc Inputs... Parameterize your inputs and run them automatically thousands of times with different value sets
  • Phreeqc Study: Get your output files and the Selected Ouput data ready to be used in plots.
Predominance Module Icon


Predominance Module Overview

Predominance analysis tools and Pourbaix diagram generation:

  • Track Predominance Boundaries Study: Set mathematical predominance expressions and track their boundaries in the domain of interest.
  • Predominance Trace: Plot predominance of expressions and Pourbaix diagrams. Mix the predominance trace with scatter of other traces.
Statistics Module Icon


Statistics Module Overview

The Statistical analysis tools:

  • Monte Carlo Study: Run Phreeqc thousands of times with random values taken from statistical distributions.
  • Univariant Statistics Analysis: Compute basic statistics of any variable
  • PCA Analysis: Understand and reduce your system complexity by using Principal Component Analysis
Optimization Module Icon


Optimization Module Overview

The Optimzation and Minimization Problem tools:

  • Ceres Study (minimization): Minimize a function or fit your Phreeqc models to lab data by using this study built on top of the Ceres, the optimization library from google
Database Module Icon


Database Module Overview

Handle Phreeqc database information on results and analyse relationships:

  • Hierarchical plots: Draw using treemap and sunburst plots relationships between elements, species and phases of your Phreeqc thermodynamical databases.
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