15 - Transport Kinetic Biodegradation

This example corresponds to the “Example 15-1D Transport: Kinetic Biodegradation, Cell Growth, and Sorption” from the Phreeqc manual. It can be retrieved from the Phreeqc Website.


This project contains 1 Studies.

  • PhreeqcStudy: “study_15”

Db used: “PhreeqcImported_1” database

TITLE Example 15.--1D Transport: Kinetic Biodegradation, Cell Growth, and Sorption
PLEASE NOTE: This problem requires database file ex15.dat!!
        -reset false
        -echo_input true
		-status false
SOLUTION 0 Pulse solution with NTA and cobalt
        units umol/L
        pH      6
        C       .49
        O(0)    62.5 
        Nta     5.23
        Co      5.23
        Na      1000
        Cl      1000
SOLUTION 1-10 Background solution initially filling column
        units umol/L
        pH      6
        C       .49
        O(0)    62.5 
        Na      1000
        Cl      1000
COPY solution 0 100 # for use later on, and in
COPY solution 1 101 # 20 cells model
RATES Rate expressions for the four kinetic reactions
10 Ks = 7.64e-7
20 Ka = 6.25e-6
30 qm = 1.407e-3/3600
40 f1 = MOL("HNta-2")/(Ks + MOL("HNta-2"))
50 f2 = MOL("O2")/(Ka + MOL("O2"))
60 rate = -qm * KIN("Biomass") * f1 * f2 
70 moles = rate * TIME
80 PUT(rate, 1)   # save the rate for use in Biomass rate calculation
90 SAVE moles
10 Y = 65.14
20 b = 0.00208/3600
30 rate = GET(1)  # uses rate calculated in HTNA-2 rate calculation
40 rate = -Y*rate -b*M
50 moles = -rate * TIME
60 if (M + moles) < 0 then moles = -M
70 SAVE moles
10 km = 1/3600
20 kd = 5.07e-3
30 solids = 3.75e3
40 rate = -km*(MOL("Co+2") - (M/solids)/kd)
50 moles = rate * TIME
60 if (M - moles) < 0 then moles = M
70 SAVE moles
10 km = 1/3600
20 kd = 5.33e-4
30 solids = 3.75e3
40 rate = -km*(MOL("CoNta-") - (M/solids)/kd)
50 moles = rate * TIME
60 if (M - moles) < 0 then moles = M
70 SAVE moles
KINETICS 1-10 Four kinetic reactions for all cells
                -formula C -3.12 H -1.968 O -4.848 N -0.424 Nta 1.
                -formula        H 0.0
                -m              1.36e-4
                -formula CoCl2
                -m      0.0
                -tol 1e-11
                -formula NaCoNta
                -m      0.0
                -tol 1e-11
COPY kinetics 1 101 # to use with 20 cells                
TRANSPORT First 20 hours have NTA and cobalt in infilling solution
        -cells                10
        -lengths              1
        -shifts               20
        -time_step            3600
        -flow_direction       forward
        -boundary_conditions  flux flux
        -dispersivities       .05
        -correct_disp         true
        -diffusion_coefficient 0.0
        -punch_cells          10
        -punch_frequency      1
        -print_cells          10
        -print_frequency      5
COPY solution 101 0 # initial column solution becomes influent
TRANSPORT Last 55 hours with background infilling solution
        -shifts               55
COPY cell 100 0 # for the 20 cell model...
COPY cell 101 1-20
TRANSPORT First 20 hours have NTA and cobalt in infilling solution
        -cells                20
        -lengths              0.5
        -shifts               40
        -initial_time         0
        -time_step            1800
        -flow_direction       forward
        -boundary_conditions  flux  flux
        -dispersivities       .05
        -correct_disp         true
        -diffusion_coefficient 0.0
        -punch_cells          20
        -punch_frequency      2
        -print_cells          20
        -print_frequency      10
COPY cell 101 0
TRANSPORT Last 55 hours with background infilling solution
        -shifts               110



This project contains 2 Plots.

  • Plot 1: “Dissolved species”

  • Plot 2: “Sorbed species”
