17 - Inverse Modelling with Evaporation
This example corresponds to the “Example 17-Inverse Modeling With Evaporation” from the Phreeqc manual. It can be retrieved from the Phreeqc Website.
This example uses data for the evaporation of Black Sea water that is presented in Carpenter (1978). Two analyses are selected, the initial Black Sea water and an evaporated water from which halite has precipitated. The hypothesis is that evaporation, precipitation of calcite, gypsum, and halite, and loss of carbon dioxide are sufficient to account for the changes in water composition of all of the major ions and bromide.
This project contains 2 Studies.
PhreeqcStudy: “study_17 - Inverse Modelling with Evaporation”
Db used: “PhreeqcImported_1” database
TITLE Example 17.--Inverse modeling of Black Sea water evaporation
SOLUTION 1 Black Sea water
units mg/L
density 1.014
pH 8.0 # estimated
Ca 233
Mg 679
Na 5820
K 193
S(6) 1460
Cl 10340
Br 35
C 1 CO2(g) -3.5
SOLUTION 2 Composition during halite precipitation
units mg/L
density 1.271
pH 5.0 # estimated
Ca 0.0
Mg 50500
Na 55200
K 15800
S(6) 76200
Cl 187900
Br 2670
C 1 CO2(g) -3.5
-solution 1 2
-uncertainties .025
H2O(g) pre
Calcite pre
CO2(g) pre
Gypsum pre
Halite pre
Glauberite pre
Polyhalite pre
PhreeqcStudy: “study_17 - Inverse Modelling with Evaporationb”
Db used: “PhreeqcImported_1” database
SOLUTION 1 Black Sea water
units mg/L
density 1.014
pH 8.0 # estimated
Ca 233
Mg 679
Na 5820
K 193
S(6) 1460
Cl 10340
Br 35
C 1 CO2(g) -3.5
# carbonates...
CO2(g) -3.5 10; Calcite 0 0
# sulfates...
Gypsum 0 0; Anhydrite 0 0; Glauberite 0 0; Polyhalite 0 0
Epsomite 0 0; Kieserite 0 0; Hexahydrite 0 0
# chlorides...
Halite 0 0; Bischofite 0 0; Carnallite 0 0
H2O -1; 0 36 3*4 6*1 2*0.25 0.176 4*0.05 5*0.03
This project contains 1 Plots.
Plot 1: “plot_1”